
  東方日報 (Mon) 28.6.2004  200人遊行斥<<壹本便利>>無良   虐殺貓狗報道犯罪憎促政府徹查


  太陽報 (Mon) 28.6.2004/6/30 :  500人遊行聲討<<便利>>  狗殺手報道血腥    蔡素玉呼籲罷買

  (社論): 壹傳媒喪盡天良        :    社會發怒吼    政府須除害



但機不可失, 我們須把握時機輸出我們認為應該輸出的訊息。試問風平浪靜誰會聽你的?



CSA 陳說6項參予遊行目的



邀請愛貓救世軍參予支持遊行的是6.27關注動物權益大遊行統籌小組為自發愛護動物網民 (見周五25-6-2004星島․東方․太陽三報介紹), 遊行當日CSA見主辦者向傳媒發放的採訪信邀請的署名是一位北區議員其身份是6.27關注動物權益大遊行統籌小組召集人。聯絡電話地址均是議員辦事處的電話地址。


會友黎小姐(左穿CSA  T-shirt) 代表愛貓救世軍遞上「給董建華先生的公開信」。


27th June 2004

To the Government of Hong Kong SAR.




As an charitable animal welfare organization in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Cat Salvation Army is expressing our deep concern about the recent reporting of animal abuse by a few youngsters in local press media. Hence we are calling our members to participate in the protest parade and demonstration on 27th June 2004 along with other animal welfare organizations and animal lovers.


While we are sharing the same caution against the excessive vivid description by public media of such abuse of innocent stray animals with by adolescents with such violence and cruelty, we wish to put forward several important issues in public policies on animal welfare for the consideration of the Government of Hong Kong SAR.


1.      Thorough investigation and follow up of the reported animal abuse by youngsters incident by relevant departments 

This reported incident has aroused much public and even international awareness in the status of animal welfare in Hong Kong and will inevitably harm our international image as a civilized metropolitan city.

Proper management of the present incident should not stop at just penalizing the reporting press media but needs to include referring the involved youngsters and their families for proper psychological assessment and management.   


2.      Proper attention and management of such animal cruelty with appropriate perspectives to risk to public safety 

With scientific data supporting the concern about adolescents committing animal cruelty will develop into antisocial personality disordered persons in their adulthood, we should set up procedures by which school teachers and social workers and police will arrange all children with animal cruelty behaviours for further assessment and management. Parents and the public should also be alert of such implications.


3.      Legislation to enhance protection of (domestic as well as stray) animals

Current legislation on the prevention and protection of animals are obsolete and ineffective. Stray animals are not adequately protected. Legislation and penalty for on the abandonment of pet animals and illegal importing are non-existent. 


4.      Setting down clear guidelines for reporting animal cruelty and abuse for public media

While public media should make their reporting on animal cruelty with restricted vivid depiction of violence and abusive act, there should be clear guidelines and principles for them to follow.

They must be always alert to the genuine risk of other children imitating the abusive acts without thinking after their reporting.

The need to report for the public awareness of such incidents must be balanced with adequate emphasis for the social disapproval for such behaviour and the proper attitude toward animal welfare and cruelty. The media has the moral obligations to disseminate proper attitudes and viewpoints from appropriate animal welfare organizations or personals.


5.      Enhancing public awareness and concern in animal welfare, responsible pet ownership and animal cruelty and abuse

Proper resources should be invested into the promotion of public awareness and concern in animal welfare, responsible pet ownership and animal cruelty and abuse. The promotion should be extended to general attitudes concerning human-animal relationship, animal adoption instead of purchase, discouragement of breeding, prejudice against non-pedigree animals etc. Involvement and collaboration with animal welfare organizations is warranted. 


6.      Mandatory inclusion of educational theme on animal concern as part of humane education into primary and secondary schools teaching curriculum

Last, but not least, is the education of our future generations. Not only is this a much more cost-effective approach in promoting proper attitudes in human-animal relationship, animal concerns and responsible pet ownership etc, the most important aspect is the positive impact this has in the personality development in the children in their more receptive earlier years in life. Studies have shown that children with chances to develop positive and trusting relationship with animals will grow up to be responsible, warm and sympathetic citizens with much lower rate of law-breaking behaviours.

However the important emphasis is that this must be experiential rather than just classroom teaching.



We sincerely hope that the Government will take a positive and constructive view of the present incident and take concrete actions to implement the above issues for the benefits of all Hong Kong SAR citizens. As a charitable organization working on animal welfare, we are more than delighted to offer our contribution if so warranted.


Thank you for your kind attention.



 Yours faithfully,


Dr FAN Tak Wing


Hong Kong Cat Salvation Army






Lamma Animal  Protection  (左二) Sheila喜相逢。

記得2000年春天CSA帶備T˙A˙R行裝造訪南丫島時 (當陣LAP還沒有成立)

感觸至深的就是他們一票外籍Animal People都係素食主義者, 身體力行貫徹愛護動物理想比我們徹底 ,一頓午餐下來教我們慚愧不已。

素食係愛護動物的終極理想 ------ 我們豈敢忘記? 我們會努力的!